Winter blues
It seems like an age since I was tearing up Cadwell Park and drinking the victoy champagne and since that gorgeous October day, I've pretty much done bot all with the bike.
Scott helped me (aka he did it on his own) take the engine out and Mark from DynoPro offered to get it down to Phil Seton to check it over. However 3 weeks went by before Mark and I were able to meet up and as I understand it, the engine still hasn't quite got to Phil yet. I've been told not to stress about it, so I'm placing all my trust in Phil and trying to be chilled about the fact that I now have 3 weeks before my first race of 2007!!!
Before then, I need to buy some new clutch plates and an NCR engine cover. I also want to put new fork oil in the forks... oh, and repair the fibre glass bodywork and fit the chain adjusters. Oh god - I' can feel myself starting to stress again!
Jan 20th was the Auto66 annual Gala. It was a really good night (the hotel was average, the food was okay and the drinks were over-priced). It was great to see everybody again and have a good chat over a few beers. Nice to pick up the 3rd place award after a long hard 2006

Things did go downhill when the strippers arrived though - especially since one of them was male - what the bleedin 'ell was Mr Hillerby thinking? The school disco was also really crap! How can DJ's still get away with playing 70's and 80's MegaMixes? We still danced until 2am though which meant some of us were a little worse for wear the following day...

Very attractive :-)
The exercise regime was going pretty well, until this week. Its amazing how easy it is to slip out of it and start doing nothing again. Gotta get fit so that I can concentrate on the racing rather than the breathing!
So that just leaves me to say - watch this space to hear whether the bike does make it back together for the 4th March - fingers crossed.
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